The Los Angeles City Council declared December 13 to be Depeche Mode Day for the City of Angels. The LA Councilwoman Monica Rodriguez officiated the proclamation where hundreds of fans gathered at the steps of City Hall to listen to Depeche Mode and see the duo honored on their day in a city that shares a love and hate history with the band.
On December 6 Councilwoman Rodriguez shared that the LA City Council would declare December 13 as Depeche Mode Day. The announcement was made via Instagram which read: “I am honored and thrilled to announce that on Wednesday, December 13th the Los Angeles City Council and I will declare ‘Depeche Mode Day’ in the City of Los Angeles. This special declaration will honor Dave Gahan and Martin Gore, the legendary band more commonly known as Depeche Mode for their musical genius and the enduring message of unity and love that has inspired many of us in Los Angeles and around the globe. Join me and other devoted Depeche Mode fans on the historic steps of Los Angeles City Hall at 1 pm for the FREE public event!”
On Wednesday, December 13 fans began to gather at the steps of the LA City Hall early in the morning. By noon a few hundred admirers displaying their favorite Depeche Mode merchandise gathered for what seemed to be a public party celebrating the UK band. The block-offed street consisted of a crowd filled with black leather listening and dancing to Depeche Mode hits while taking selfies with their decorated signs and face cutouts of the band members. The ambiance, the music, and the crowd, all seemed amazing, up until 10 minutes before the official event time when the press that had the honor to capture footage up close blocked just about every view and angle for the crowd to see. Not even the fans in the front row could get a good look at the area where the Councilwoman and band made their speeches.

At 1 o’clock the special guests made their way down the steps of City Hall. Radio personality Richard Blade looked proud and eager to see the UK electronic duo recognized by the big entertainment capital. The KROQ crew was also in attendance to show their support to their 1999 No. 1 KROQ Band of All Time. Soon after Councilwoman Rodriguez introduced Gahan and Gore after referring to Depeche Mode as “a very treasured band that has meant so much to Los Angeles”. Though they were out of sight during their speech, the crowd was still moved when the duo heartwarmingly thanked their LA fans for helping their success.

“We’ve always had a very special relationship with Los Angeles,” said Gore. “The first ever stadium we ever played headlining was here in Los Angeles. Another big part of our history, the Warehouse fiasco. Sorry we didn’t sign your records, but thank you because it helped our career a lot because we made nationwide news.” The duo joked about the 1990 Warehouse Records store fiasco where fans overcrowded the streets of LA trying to get to the KROQ-sponsored meet and greet and in-store record signing with Depeche Mode. Things quickly turned dangerous that night enacting riot police to La Cienega and backlash for the band and radio station from the City Council. Councilman Zev Yaroslavsky also demanded the record store to pay the city for the cost of about $25,000 for the disturbance. 33 years later, The LA City Council and Councilwoman Rodriguez are now honoring the band with their own Depeche Mode Day.
Following their speeches and the presentation of the signed Depeche Mode Day resolution, the duo and Councilwoman Rodriguez were kind enough to move away from behind the media cameras and greet the crowd. Fans close to the barricade reached their arms hoping to shake hands with the English icons. Gahan and Gore hugged Councilwoman Rodriguez and thanked the crowd for a few minutes before retreating into City Hall.
Depeche Mode performed four LA shows during the recent Memento Mori Tour celebrating their 15th studio album. Their long history with the city was honored no other than one of their greatest fans Councilwoman Rodriguez who highlighted the band’s “musical genius and the enduring message of unity and love” during the ceremony. The 15-minute commemoration and its staple of DM Day truly honored Depeche Mode and their lifelong love affair with the City of Los Angeles.
(Originally published on Mxdwn.com)